We filmed our thriller on a JVC 3CCD. Best video camera i have ever used! I learn't how to use it very quickly as we were taught about all its features in detail.
We edited our footage on Final Cut Pro.

Once we imported all our footage we selected the footage we needed, cut and edited it to our liking. We learnt a lot of valuable skills that are essential to using this technology. I really enjoyed using final cut pro because it has a professional feel to it and added a professional touch to my film. Once i had been taught the basics i found it surprisingly easy to get the editing flowing. I really appreciate being taught how to master this program in such a small amount of time, with help from all the media staff.
Sound Track Pro made it easy for us to edit and add in sound / sound effects. Although we found it difficult to learn how to import/export and how to actually find the sound effects, it was really effective and easily the best program to use to edit sound for a film. I enjoyed using this program because you can play the soundtrack while the film is playing in the corner.
Livetype made it easy to create titles and import them into FCP to add over our film. I enjoyed all the different effects and styles of titles you can create. You can control the position, timing and style/effect of how it comes on to the screen. I didn't enjoy this program as much as the others but it was still a very useful program to know about.
Throughout our media task of learning how to use different technology's we were required to blog about what we have learnt and how we used it and what we thought about the different programs we were using. The blog was divided into different groups so our group activity's were easier to post. My group is group 31. I enjoyed using this site as it will come in handy in the future and makes it easy and enjoyable to actually make a blog.
Handbrake is a program that allows us to convert our films and videos into different final formats and ton export to use on different machines such as ipods/iphones. This made it easy to convert and upload it on our blogs. This program is very useful and i would definitely recommend it.
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