Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Question 7: Tasnim Anisa Ali [EVALUATION]

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

JVC: We used the JVC camera to record our thriller. In my opinion it was a hard device to use. It seemed quite hassling. However, once you press the record button it was a beauty. This equipment captured the best moments... Regardless how many times we went wrong!

FINAL CUT PRO: Final Cut Pro was by far the hardest software that i had used. The reason is because i am not really familiar with iMac's. I find that pretty hard to use. But once getting the hang of it i had seen that Fianl Cut Pro provides many different tools from editing to different effects on the screen. It was really amazing at how realistic our
film was starting to look with the help of FCP.

LIVETYPE: Livetype was a pretty straight software to be honest. I had found this the easiest. This was because, all you really had to was to choose the font, size and animations that you want for your titles and you could simply then import the titles to your actual film. We had chosen to use a font called 'N.E' and use the animation 'Frigid' (if i remember clearly). I believe this was well suited as we needed something that would be quite eye-catching. We had also used an exiting animation called 'Tv Off' which would make the titles seem more eye-catching and exciting.

SOUNDTRACK PRO: This was a fun program. The sound effects that were installed into this was amazing. The quality, the way it was realistic and the amount that they had was astonishing. It was fun browsing around the program, but then we knew we had to get back to our work. We had used the effects of the girl screaming, banging on the door and the camera click. What was really cool about this one was that you could have the movie playing on the left-hand side so you would know where the sound would go and how it would sound. That was extremely helpful. Then, as normal, we would simply have to just import it into Final Cut Pro.

 YouTube: i think i speak for everyone when i say that YouTube was the biggest help us yet! With YouTube we could access many different thriller opening quickly and easily. From this we had gathered many different ideas on how to make our thriller seem original and how to put our ideas and themes across to the audience. The 3 main thrillers that we constantly had browsed YouTube for are : SE7EN, FRIDAY THE 13TH, BATMAN

 HANDBRAKE: This little converter software had made me go through a lot of headaches. At times it wouldn't work, at times i didn't know how to work it. What this does is that it converts our finishing product, which would be saved as a project on FCP, into a Quicktime so then it we could post our videos on our blogs. It was quick and easy (after the third attempt)


 Through this journey of making this film, i had come across the different types of technology needed in making a film. Well, it's not everything that a real film would need, but for as an amateur film, it was still hard work. The main thing i thought was the hardest was when it would come to editing. I found it extremely hard because at times things just go away as a mistake or you may not know how to use a certain file. But after this experience, i feel quite comfortable while i am around the iMac's as i have started to get used to using one now (although i would much prefer my normal computer!).

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