After my group got the hang of using the camera and all the equipments we had to get used to many different formats such as the 'blogger' , final cut pro, soundtrack pro and livetype.
The most difficult formats I have used throughout our lesson was final cut pro, soundtrack pro and live type. This was because there were so many things you had to remember, so many buttons that was all complicated. At first I was really confused and it took me ages to get the hang of it. As we finished filming we just asked the teachers for help. We got used to it in the end, but I think that this was the hardest part of editing. It took such a long process to fit everything together but in the end our group all made it. I think by experiencing all these different formats, it made me realize that I have a lot to learn and I am proud that I now know how to use it, this would help me in the future with other things. However I still have a lot to learn about these formats.

The final format that I have discovered was using handbrake. To finish of our film we had to convert it into handbrake which will enable us to watch it on our blogger.
Overall, I have learn so much that it has made a big impact on me. I did not know that it would be this complicated to make a film. Now that I have experienced so much I am pleased that I have worked well with my group. It gives me a positive energy knowing that I have been through all these formats. If i was to change anything I would try to go into detail about each format and use more things to my film.
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